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28 August 2022 - Sendafa, Ethiopia: The IGAD Security Sector Program (IGAD SSP) has successfully conducted a six days National Training Security, Intelligence, and Risk Analysis against Transnational Security Threats (TSTs) to the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Police, held on 22-27 August 2022 at the Ethiopia Police University in Sendafa, Ethiopia.

The main objective of the training is to equip trainees with the basic skills and knowledge required to conduct Intelligence Analysis and Security Risk Assessment as well as help forge strong cooperation and coordination between and among relevant security institutions through experience sharing and information exchange to prevent and counter the threats that are prevalent in the country and beyond.

The use of intelligence products in combating and preventing TSTs in general and terrorism in particular is very crucial. Intelligence is generally understood to be a product created through the process of collecting, collating, and analyzing data, for dissemination. It is a usable or actionable information that typically assesses events, locations or adversaries. The concept of analysis is always inherently connected to and by no means separable from intelligence. Analysis is a process of dealing with complex problems. Security risk assessment is generally considered to be one of the most important aspects of security management processes with the aim of identifying and assessing the potential threats, vulnerabilities and risks to which an object under assessment is exposed to and their impact on its primary services and operations.  In a region where the vulnerability of transnational security threats seem to be the norm rather than the exception, it only takes a slight sense of ingenuity to assert that the security institutions of IGAD Member States be equipped with the required knowledge and skill to use and develop intelligence products.  Therefore, equipping the security institutions with the appropriate skills and knowledge is very important.

The opening ceremony was presided by Commander Abebe Muluneh, Director of IGAD SSP, who welcomed the guests, experts, and participants to the training.  The President of Ethiopia Police University, Deputy Commissioner General Mesfin Abebe further welcomed the Guest of Honor, Commissioner General Demelash Gebremichael of the Ethiopia Federal Police, who has officially opened the training by commending IGAD for its active role in enhancing the capacity of the Member States, particularly Ethiopia in an effort to mitigate the threats which are affecting the country and the region.  He further noted that this kinds of hands-on training to the Police officers will provide them with the technical capabilities in assessing, analyzing and using the various intelligence products with a robust criminal information system conducting high-profile investigations.  Commissioner General Demelash stressed that the training will contribute to strengthening the institutional capability specifically the Intelligence unit of the Federal Police that is critical to prevent and counter the transnational security threat.

The training was attended by 35 (5 female, 30 male) senior police officers from the Federal Police’s relevant units like the intelligence, technology, investigation, and crime prevention.  Senior well-versed experts from the National Intelligence Security Service (NISS) and the Ethiopia Police University as well as experts from the IGAD SSP provided structured lessons that were extensively discussed through presentation, experience/information sharing, and group discussions.  The following were the lessons provided:

    • Comprehensive Transnational Security Threats and Vulnerabilities Assessment in the IGAD Region: Ethiopia’s Context
    • Concept, processes/cycles, attributes, and functions of intelligence
    • Intelligence Analysis and analytical techniques to develop intelligence products
    • Methodological Approaches to Intelligence Analysis: Expert judgment, Quantitative methods using expert-generated data, Quantitative methods using empirical data, and Structured analysis
    • Structured analysis - Analysis of competing hypothesis/ACH/-Optimal intelligence analysis strategy
    • Criminal intelligence and analytical products, Techniques or tools
    • Producing Finished Intelligence Paper - Intelligence Question, Hypothesis
    • Evaluating/Testing Hypothesis - Conventional Strategies, Optimal Strategy (Analysis of Competing Hypothesis and the eight steps involved)
    • Organizing analytical paper - Four Principles, Mapping out an Intelligence paper
    • Security Risk Assessment - concepts, methods, techniques, and Components (Threat assessment, Vulnerability assessment, and Impact/Consequence assessment)
    • Group discussion, table top exercise and presentations

The six days training was concluded with a colorful closing ceremony in the presence of the President of the University and the Director of IGAD SSP who both provided closing remarks  and handed out certificate to the participants.  The University further provided a certificate of recognition to IGAD Security Sector Program and appreciations to the individual experts,and facilitators of the successfully conducted training.

The overall objective of IGAD SSP is to promote and strengthen regional and national capacities to better predict, prevent and counter TSTs and thereby contribute to regional peace and stability in the IGAD region. The IGAD SSP is specifically mandated with 1) strengthening regional cooperation and coordination 2) enhancing the capacity of the Member States and 3) promote the national, regional and international legal instruments. This training was as part of the IGAD SSP’s effort to enhance the capacity of the law enforcement agencies particularly the Police in dealing with security, intelligence and risk analysis of the TSTs.

The training was conducted with financial support from the European Union through European Union Trust Fund (EUTF), which is being implemented by IGAD SSP and the Austrian Development Agency (ADA). [END]

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