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Port Sudan, 5 December 2014 – IGAD Security Sector Program (ISSP) held a four days validation workshop of the regional baseline assessment study report on the vulnerabilities and threats of TOC in the IGAD region held on 1-4 December 2014 in Port Sudan, Republic of Sudan. The Pillar Head of the Transnational Organized Crime at ISSP, Commander Tuemay Aregawi, chaired the meeting.


The primary objective of the validation workshop was to review, evaluate, critique, improve and validate the findings and suggested recommendations of the comprehensive regional assessment study draft reports on the vulnerabilities and threats of TOC in the IGAD Region. The study was believed to bridge the critical gap of data and knowledge about the scale, extent, causes, impact and trends of TOC in the sub-region in general. ISSP considers the findings of the assessment study and the feedback of the validation workshop as important venue to enhance common understanding of the vulnerabilities and threats of TOC and as vital input to formulate sub-regional common security policy framework to counter transnational organized crime.

The level of participation was excellent with a total of twenty two (22) participants representing IGAD Member States. Senior Officials from the Police, Intelligence, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Interior, and External Service Organization were in attendance. Regional Expert critiqued the report with further recommendations and suggestions. The Lead Consultant was also in attendance.

After carefully scrutinizing and going through the report in detail, the participants made further recommendations to enrich the report.

The workshop was adjourned by closing remarks from the Host Country, Sudan, and the chairperson, with vote of thanks to the participants, the experts, the staff, and the Government of Sudan. (END)

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