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Khartoum, 31 August 2014 – IGAD Security Sector Program (ISSP) held a three days regional training on “Promoting International Legal Instruments on Preventing and Countering TOC” from 25-27 August 2014 in Khartoum, Sudan. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Tuemay Aregawi, the Head of Transnational Organized Crime (TOC) Pillar at ISSP who thanked welcomed all participants and thanked the government of Sudan for the workshop and particularly the National Counter Terrorism Commission of Sudan (NCTC) and its Director and staff for the great hospitality.

He further called up on Dr. Gen. Mohammed Jamal Eldeen, Director of the National Counter Terrorism Commission of Sudan, to address the deliberation. Dr. Gen. Jamal welcomed all participants and appreciated ISSP for organizing the workshop in Khartoum. He further stressed the need for practical cooperation among member states in fighting TOC.


The objective of the regional training workshop was to promote regional and international legal instruments and enhance the knowledge of participants about the most relevant tools and standards in order to facilitate ratification and implementation of the tools and strengthen regional cooperation to prevent and counter TOC.

The level of participation was excellent with a total of thirty two (32) participants representing all IGAD Member States except Uganda, which were absent due to reasons beyond ISSP’s capacity. Officials from Institutions such as the National Intelligence Services, law enforcement agencies, Directorate of Public Prosecutions, Immigration, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Foreign Affairs were in attendance. Regional Expert Ethiopia made presentations and shared his experiences with the participants to enrich the overall objective of the workshop.

The topics covered at the training workshop in expert presentations and group works includes the following:

  1. The overall concept, evolution, meaning and features of (transnational) organized crime;
  2. Overview of TOC globally and in the IGAD region in specific;
  3. UN Convention against TOC and the protocols thereto (in detail as a main topic)
  4. UN Convention against Corruption, in brief
  5. UN Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances 1988, in brief
  6. African Union Convention on Corruption,
  7. IGAD convention on MLA and Extradition

In addition, discussions were made on the available regional and international instruments on TOC.


The workshop was officially closed by Dr Eldeen, Director of NCTC and ISSP focal point, in which he highlighted the need for stronger cross border cooperation and fortify regional capacity in the fight against TOC. He finally appreciated ISSP's efforts and is committed to provide all necessary support to the realization of its activities. (END)

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