19 December 2024, Mombasa, Kenya: The Intergovernmental Authority on Development’s (IGAD’s) Security Sector Program (IGAD SSP) successfully conducted a two-days High Level Forum on the “Regional Cooperation and Coordination Mechanism against Transnational Security Threats (TSTs) Statute and its Operationalization” held on 17-18 December 2024 in Mombasa, Kenya.

The overall objective of the high-level regional forum is to present the validated Final Draft Statute to the IGAD Committee of Ambassadors and the technical experts for policy decision, official launch of the regional cooperation and coordination mechanism and acquire further guidance on its operationalization. 

Mrs. Nejat Abdulrahman, the Head of IGAD SSP welcomed all the delegates to the forum and gave her welcoming remarks expressing appreciation for their presence and participation.  She welcomed the high dignitaries to the Forum, which was presided by H.E. Dr. Workneh Gebeyehu, the Executive Secretary of IGAD, H.E. Amb. Mohamed Ali Hassan, the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation of Djibouti as the Chair of IGAD, and H.E. Amb. George N. Macgoye, the Ambassador of Kenya to Djibouti as the Host country.  All dignitaries provided their opening remarks in which they have all expressed on the need and timeliness of the regional cooperation and coordination mechanism as the threat they are facing needs a collective and coordinated approach.

H.E. Dr. Worknesh stressed on the necessity of the timely set up of the cooperation and coordination mechanism due to the seriousness of transnational security threats affecting the region.  In his opening remarks, he expressed the magnitude of the threats the Region faces by saying “the growing prevalence of organized crime, with reported incidents rising by 30% in recent years, is a stark reminder of what is at stake. Similarly, the annual cybersecurity report estimates that the global cybercrime economy is valued at 9.5 trillion dollars a year or 793 billion USD a month in 2024, highlighting the scale of the challenges we must confront together.” His Excellency further underlined that “this is why this Regional Cooperation and Coordination Mechanism against Transnational Security Threats is so important. It is not just another mechanism but our commitment to working together to confront these threats head-on.”

Following the opening of the forum, Mrs. Nejat gave a detailed account of the regional engagements through IGAD SSP, its extensive efforts to enhance regional cooperation and coordination dating back from its inception to evolution, as well as the current status of the regional Statute for the appropriate policy decision.  A thorough discussion and reflections were made in plenary whereby Member States expressed the crucial nature of transnational threats to the security of IGAD countries, the need to implement coordination and cooperation at the regional level to respond to these threats, and on the finalization of the validation phase of the statutes, in addition to the discussions on various threats, the terminologies, national engagements, among others.

A Panel discussion on the Status of the regional security threats dynamics/trends of the Region by panelists Mr. Daoud Alwan, Mr. Khalid Abdelrahman, and Mr. Girmay Hailu that was moderated by Commander Abebe Muluneh raised a vast area of the security dynamics of the region including terrorism, organized crimes, maritime security, crimes on the cyber space, the emergence of new technologies like Artificial Intelligence and UAS as well as the threats of Improvised Explosive Devices.  The transnationality of these threats, their complexities and the challenges they present to Member States were discussed in detail for reflection, common approach, the legal frameworks, and the necessary mechanisms at national and regional levels for prevention and countering of the threats.


During the two days discussion, the Member States underlined the need for institutionalizing the envisaged regional Mechanism and reaffirmed their full commitment for its set up  The delegates underscored on the importance of engaging on IGAD SSP’s priority areas of strengthening regional cooperation and coordination, enhancing the capacity and capability of institutions, and promoting the international and regional legal normative frameworks, which will benefit from the operationalization of the Regional Cooperation and Coordination Mechanism.  Accordingly, the Forum endorsed, in consensus, the validated “IGAD Statute for the Establishment of Cooperation and Coordination Mechanisms against Transnational Security Threats” and officially launched the regional mechanism to be institutionalized within the existing structure for its operationalization.  The Forum finally produced a fully endorsed Mombasa Statement with Key Decisions as guidance for further implementation. 

The High-Level forum was officially closed by H.E. Dr. Workneh and H.E. Amb. Mohamed with remarks and vote of thanks.

The Forum was conducted with the financial support from the European Union through the African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA).


Media links:

The high-level forum received good media coverage.  The following are some of the links:










